
Digital recipe book

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I built Garnish for my wife and I.

We got frustrated at many recipe websites not displaying the pertinent information in a usable fashion, often scrolling up and down throughout the cooking process. We also lost track of which websites held the recipes we enjoyed. The final straw was the inability to save a modified version of the recipe after customisations were made. All of this sparked the idea to create a digital recipe book.

Garnish is designed specifically to solve those issues.

Starting from the admin interface, it displays a simple, searchable list of both published and draft recipes.

When editing, it can support basic to extremely complex, multi-part recipes - all managed with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

It requires all of the standard meta data for a cooking website so it can generate JSON-LD for advanced SEO when published.

Published recipes are listed on the homepage of the site. They can be easily searched and filtered using keywords or meta data.

Recipes can also be rated if others stumble upon them and try them out.

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